Monday, January 31, 2011

It starts...

Day One

Where I stand:
Resting Heart Rate: 78 bpm
Height: Still 6'8"
Weight: 320.5 lbs
Waist (at navel): 52"
Hips: 50"
Chest 54"
Left/Right Thigh (at midpoint): 26.75"/27.25"
Left/Right Bicep (at midpoint): 17"/17"

So that's where it all begins.  Heart rate is what I expected.  It's not good, but not horrible. It turns out that I am not as heavy as I previously thought.  I was guessing 330 at least.  So that is encouraging by itself, but not so much when you read past that.  Basically, my body fat percentage is WAY too high.  Then again, that would be the point of all this.  I need to be healthier, and this is where I start. 

What I did:
-Basketball - full court - ~1 hour actual play time.
-P90 Sculpt 1-2 - weight/resistance training - 33 minutes

What I learned:
I feel awesome.  Not sore (I am sure I will be tomorrow) and not that exhausted.  I did, however, confirm just how out of shape I am cardiovascularly when I was running up and down the basketball court.  Really need to work on getting my form back for jumpshots, missed way too many open looks.  As far as what I learned from P90, I need to work on strength in my chest more than anything.  Fat boy still has trouble with push-ups when the set is more than about 8.  I hate that, but it's the situation.  I did all that I could and then supplemented with resisted bench presses.  I think I am gonna work on doing push-ups every day.  I have to fix that sooner rather than later just for my own sanity.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Gearing up.

Okay, so in preparation for the coming challenge, I had to go acquire a few small pieces of equipment to help me out.  Just went out and purchased a measuring tape and Green resistance band.  In testing out the band, it didn't feel like much resistance.  Then again, I did a whopping ten curls with it.  So once implemented as part of the workouts, I suspect it will end up being a lot more of a workout than it seems right now.  If I get a few workouts into this and find that it still seems to be too little I will go back and grab the Red band which is the next step up.

Total spent on this so far is a cool $19.

Did the first cardio portion of the workouts last night and it was good.  I was worried that the weight training portion would require me to go to the gym at my apartment, but it looks like now, it will be the cardio that will be more of the issue.  Nothing like a giant jumping about in his third floor apartment to possibly annoy the downstairs neighbors.  Hopefully, though, they work during the day and will be gone by the time I start my workouts.  If I can do all of this from home, I will be much more easily motivated to get off my ass and do it.

Going to try out the second, more intense weight/resistance workout tomorrow so I can gauge exactly where I am at with it and figure out what alternatives I have if there are things that I don't feel are safe for me to do just yet.  Not overly worried about that possibility, but I would rather go in knowing what devil I am dealing with as opposed to not.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Exiting the mire.

So this is it.  This is me finally deciding that things have to change.  In the immortal words of The Doors, "The time to hesitate is through".

So here's the deal.  Here's the plan.  Here's what I have to make myself do over the course of the year.  I have acquired P90, P90M, and P90X.  In the coming months, I will attempt to make my way through all 270 days of training.  I may not finish all three programs, as I am well aware that for my own well-being, it may be smarter to continue one program for more than the allotted 90 days in order to make sure that I am prepared for the following program.  However, I will be making a concerted and dedicated effort to complete the programs as designed.  One workout every day for six days of the week with one day as a rest day.

Day 1 is Monday, January 31, 2011.  On that day, I will post my beginning stats (height, weight, measurements, resting heart rate, etc.) and as I progress, I will post weekly updates to said stats.  Do not expect height to change.  If this workout plan makes me shorter, I am going to be PISSED.  In addition, I will post my workout, when it was done, and its duration every day. 

The ultimate goal for all of this is to get in the best shape I have been in since I moved to Raleigh.  The most quantifiable method for that is that I am determined to be back under 300 pounds by the beginning of December.  If I reach that goal before then (and if I do this right, I probably will) then I will set a new goal, whether it be weight or something else.

Here is my plea to all of you.  Hound me.  Yell at me.  Call me out.  Make me sorry if I miss a day.  Most of all, encourage me.  If you notice that i look different, tell me, but don't humor me.  I want honesty, brutal honesty.

I will be taking photos of myself every week as well to catalog the change in appearance.  Those may become public when I hit my goal, but until then, those are what will be MY hounding, yelling, calling out, and brutal, brutal honesty with myself.