Tuesday, February 22, 2011

And now, for something completely different...

As I am sure everyone has noticed, I haven't been updating this here blog thing on a very regular basis.  Basically, I find it boring to just post what I did for a workout that day.  It makes for uninteresting reading, and quite frankly, uninteresting is not what I am all about.  So here's the fun part.  This is basically going to be my space for posting whatever I want to.  The basis for the blog will still be focused on the quest for a better, healthier, happier Thomas.  However, there are things aside from defattyizing that aid in my betterment, happiness, and health.

This is now a place for all of those things to live.  Starting with the newly revisited interest in photography and photo editing.  A week or so ago, I decided to actually use my old film SLR and not only that, but try to learn to use it properly and therefore achieve appealing results.  The first roll of film was mostly a bust.  I tried too do too many things that I and/or my camera couldn't do, or at least do well.  Most of the shots were blurred or overexposed, but I did end up with a couple that I really liked (one after monkeying around with it in GIMP).



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