Monday, February 21, 2011

Week Three Results

Resting Heart Rate: 72 bpm
Height: Still 6'8"
Weight: 311 lbs
Waist (at navel): 49.25"
Hips: 49.5" 
Chest 51" 
Left/Right Thigh (at midpoint): 27"/27.25" 
Left/Right Bicep (at midpoint): 17.5"/17.5"

So some interesting results.  I will state first and foremost that this was not a great week for me as far as the workout goes.  Admittedly, I had to cut out a couple of workouts thanks to my right knee hurting (joint pain, not muscle pain).  So in the interest of not actually hurting myself, I tried to avoid much of anything that put any impact on my knee. As a result, I did more weight training stuff that before and assume I gained a little muscle without losing much or any fat seeing as how I gained this week (+0.5#) while losing inches in my chest and hips (-1.5" total) while gaining in my thighs and arms (+1.25" total).  The knee is feeling better, so I should be ready to go back at it tomorrow.  Today I walked around Umstead State Park for a couple of hours without it hurting at all. 

Not the results I was hoping for, but nothing to discourage me either.  I know that some weeks, things will happen and the results will look weak.  However, it is the long term results that matter.

1 comment:

  1. While muscle weighs more than fat, I find it unlikely that your overall 0.5lb weight gain was due to an increase in muscle mass, but probably water. I know, I'm not being very encouraging.

    However, strengthening your quadriceps (but strengthen your hamstrings and glutes too for a good muscle balance!) will help stabilize your knee and help reduce joint pain the long run, so way to go on that!
